Samara Plant of Decorative Laminates is a modern fast developing company. The main product of the plant is a decorative paper laminate. The product is produced on the high-techequipment of the leading European manufacturers with the use of modern materials, technologies and in-house solutions in accordance with EN 438 standard.

Decorative paper laminate consists of:

  • Decorative surface– directly visible decorative layer representing paper with a pattern applied with offset printing, impregnated with the composition based onmelamine-formaldehyde resins.

  • Inner layers –craft-paperimpregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resins and forming the necessary thickness of plastic.

  • The overlay may be used for giving special features to decorative surface – paper made of the highest quality cellulose impregnated with the composition based on melamine-formaldehyde resins.

Decorative paper laminates are produced using two technologies:

  • CPL is Continuous Pressed Laminatesof 0.15 – 1.2 mm thickness produced by the continuous pressing method. Samara Plant of Decorative Laminates produces CPL on a double belt pressing machine with 5-meter pressing area and 5 heating circuits. The pressing machinewas manufactured by the German company HYMMEN,which has more than a century experience in creating such equipment.Significant length of pressing area and the possibility of separate temperature adjustment in every temperature area ensure high efficiency and required quality of the products. The production is performed by the method of the continuous pressing of paper package at high temperature and pressure. The impregnated sheets of paper, stacked on top of each other, are pressed at 185 °C temperature and 40 bar pressure, forming a single compressed material.

    Arcobaleno CPL is used basically for the production of tabletops, furniture facades and components, as well as for the cladding of drywall composite panels, gypsum fibre boards, cement bonded particle boards, for door panels.

  • HPL is a High-pressure Laminateof 0.6 – 20 mm thickness produced by the batch pressing method. Specific moulding pressure up to 100 kg/cm2 and heating/cooling under pressure ensure wide range of HPL application areas, including furniture manufactures, building, machinery, ship construction, etc.

Samara Plant of Decorative Laminates, LLC has its own warehouse space. The area of the raw material warehouse is 700 square meters. It holds a month’s supply of decorative melamine film hermetically packed in polyethylene.The finished goods warehouseoccupies the area of 1000 square meters where a month’s supply of decors is kept according to the up-to-date warehouse program. The warehouses are fully provided with lifting, transporting and other equipment due to which the product shipment is performed right on time. All raw materials, incoming to Samara Plant of Decorative Laminates, go through the strict control in the plant laboratory fitted out with modern equipment. The control is performed according to the European methods. The plastics under Arcobaleno trademark leave behind the standard requirements in a whole series of physical and mechanical properties, including post-formation indicators.

Decorative paper laminates are stored in packed form on shelves in the warehouse, where humidity and temperature conditions are maintained in accordance with the specifications, that allows to provide optimal conditions for preservation of products.